Contoh - contoh tentang definisi hukum yang berbeeda , sebagai berikut :
1) Aristoteles :
“ Particular law is that which each community lays down and alies to its own members. Universal law is the law of nature.”
2) Grotius:
“law is a rule of moral action obliging to that which is right.”
3) Hobbes:
“where as law , properly is the word of him, that by right command over others.”
4) Prof Mr. Dr. C. van Vollenhoven
“ Recht is een verschijnsel in rusteloze wisselwerking van stuw en tegenstuw”
5) Philip S. James, MA
“law is body of rule for the guidance of human conduct which are imposed upon, and enforced among the members of a given state.”
Sumber : buku (aspek hukum dalam bisnis)
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